diumenge, 22 d’abril del 2012

Signatura de llibres per Sant Jordi

Hola a tothom!

Demà, dia de Sant Jordi, estaré signant llibres a la parada d'Edicions Bromera a Barcelona entre les 17h i les 18:30.
Adreça: Rambla de Catalunya nº45

Estaré encantat de compartir aquest meu primer Sant Jordi com a escriptor amb tots vosaltres. Em fa moltíssima il·lusió viure aquesta Diada tan nostrada des d'aquesta perspectiva.
En Salvador Macip malauradament no podrà venir ja que viu a Anglaterra.

 Carles Roca-Font

1 comentari:

Phil ha dit...

I'd like to inquire about doing a sponsored blog post - about 150-300 words that talks a little bit about Immigration Visas and links back to our site http://rapidvisa.com. We are a immigration visa company and thought we might be a good fit for your readers/visitors on http://www.milloringlix.org/

Here's a list of some blog post titles we've done in the past:
- How to Get Your Marriage Visa
- Things To Know Before Applying For Your Immigration Visa
- How to Get Help With Your Immigration Process

Our budget is around $15 for the post. Is this something you'd be open to?

Also we might be interested in a small banner ad if the price is right.
Our budget is $40/year - something like this:

Let me know if you'd be open to either or both of these.

Also if you have some other sites just send them over and we might be interested in doing a sponsored post on there as well!

